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Keley Rose Schaefer - Online Memorial Website

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Keley Schaefer
Born in United States
26 years
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Love you!  I found some pictures to upload. :)
Ashley Roscoe
Oh Keley.  We have knon each other forever since we were brownies in girls scouts.  I look back at all the fun stuff we did and how you were always the happy, and cheery one no matter what.  I know we weren't very close through high school and recently but I still loved you.  I always wanted to be like you cause you are so gorgeous and have a way about you that shines.  I will see you someday and I hope we can be close again.  You are very loved by me and so many others you touched along the way.  Memories will keep you in our hearts and minds till our last days until we meet again to make new memores in paradise.  I love you! 
Total Memories: 11
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